Sunday, December 30, 2018
I asked twenty friends about the little lightning bolt next to mobile search results, and none knew what it was.
That makes accelerated mobile pages (AMP) one of the invisible successes of web technology for users. Like good CGIs in a movie, you may not even realize that those pages are fast because you expect web pages to be quick anyway. For publishers, the incentives of better search result placements and a free cache from Google make AMP a compelling technology to retain current mobile users and to reach the next tier of mobile internet users.
AMP itself is an interesting case study of web-components done right. Developing a web application by designing your own set of web components simultaneously can be debatable. But having a framework where the set of web-components defines the use model is indeed what web components are good for. In AMP, the web-components are called merely components or AMP elements, or collectively AMPHTML, which I think avoids the unnecessary distractions from the internals of web-components.